Mind, Body, & Soul: Knowing The Difference
Photo by Jonas Spott on Unsplash
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical or mental health professional. Everything I share is information gained through personal experience, professional help, and outside resources. It is your own personal responsibility to seek professional help and advice before implementing any life-altering practices. Everyone's mental health journey looks different. My story is just one of millions. If you are feeling lost, scared, alone, concerned, or just not right, I encourage you to connect with a mental health professional. Don't wait until it becomes a crisis.
Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. - B.K.S. Iyengar || Photo by Jonas Spott on Unsplash
Understanding the difference between mind, body, and soul isn’t a requirement to self-care, but it can be beneficial. Differentiating among the three sets a foundation to intentionally caring for your whole self.
Yes, many self-care practices end up being a “two-birds-one-stone” scenario, bringing energy to more than one facet. However, making an intentional effort to care for each ensures none are neglected.
Once you begin to know yourself better (ICYMI: The First Step to Mental Wellness), you may be able to work out if it’s your mind, body, and/or soul asking for extra attention when feeling especially drained. Then, you can target your self-care practice to meet the need.