Thoughts, tips, and stories to ponder and grow in your mental wellness and self-care without stress or overwhelm
Falling in Love
I hated her because I judged her, took her at face value, and just didn't understand her.
Staying In Control of Your Social Media
Do you control social media or does it control you?
Mindfulness Through Sensory Inventory
How do you stay present in the moment? This practice allows for deeper connection to what you’re experiencing through exploring the senses.
Simple Self-Care Through What We Wear
When something impacts our mental wellness, we should be taking the opportunity to approach it from a new angle. In other words: the clothing we choose to wear can be an act of self-care.
5 Simple Self-Care Practices You Can Do Anywhere
Life doesn’t just happen at home. Show yourself some self-love anywhere you are.
New Year, Same You
Just because the year is changing doesn't mean you need to start over or push harder.
When a Flat Tire Exposes Weakness
Who knew this incident could cause such a revealing internal dialogue?
Protecting Our Time
It all comes down to this: I didn’t fiercely protect my family’s time.

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