The Dream of Stability
Photo by Peter Fogden on Unsplash
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical or mental health professional. Everything I share is information gained through personal experience, professional help, and outside resources. It is your own personal responsibility to seek professional help and advice before implementing any life-altering practices. Everyone's mental health journey looks different. My story is just one of millions. If you are feeling lost, scared, alone, concerned, or just not right, I encourage you to connect with a mental health professional. Don't wait until it becomes a crisis.
It was the best I felt in years. I was cheerful, clear headed, calm, and even in the midst of stress and responsibility, I was smiling.
“I’m afraid of it ending.” I sat on the couch in my therapist’s office, her almost chuckling in amazement behind her mask. I’d only been seeing her for a few months, and she had never seen this version of Becky before.
“Don’t worry about that now. Enjoy it while it’s here.” She reminded me of what I already knew: this would likely not last forever, but to latch onto these moments. I would need to remember what this feels like - what stable feels like - when the clouds come again.
I was happy. I don’t know what did it, but a switch had been flipped. For a few weeks, my anxiety was almost non-existent and people closest around me noticed the difference. I laughed, joked, and was hopeful in my day-to-day.