Protecting Our Time
Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical or mental health professional. Everything I share is information gained through personal experience, professional help, and outside resources. It is your own personal responsibility to seek professional help and advice before implementing any life-altering practices. Everyone's mental health journey looks different. My story is just one of millions. If you are feeling lost, scared, alone, concerned, or just not right, I encourage you to connect with a mental health professional. Don't wait until it becomes a crisis.
Another Failed Attempt
Let’s talk about the b-word… “Busy.”
I’ve heard “I’m just so busy,” “my schedule is packed,” “I just can’t take on anymore” way too many times over the last few weeks, all with burnout echoing in their voice.
What I feared so many months ago for our family is happening once again. During the course of the pandemic, our schedule slowed down, almost to a stop. Obviously, this came about as a result of a tragic and terrifying time, but after acknowledging that, we were able to experience life at a much more sustainable and freeing pace.
I promised myself then, as I’m sure many did, I would never allow our family’s calendar to look like it did pre-2020.
Annnd shocker, we fell right back into where we left off. How did this happen? How did I allow this craziness to creep back into my family’s life?
It all comes down to this: I didn’t fiercely protect our time. So many times I’ve thought, “I need to do this, so I’ll squeeze it in here,” or “Oh, that could be fun, and we’re available!” As time moves along, and each scheduled box on my calendar approaches, I think of the promise I made during that slow-paced chapter and just shake my head.